His Divine Invitation

Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim

His (جل جلاله) Divine Invitation

Every Friday, Allāh Almighty (جل جلاله) makes a divine invitation. He (جل جلاله) invites His servants. The angels come and they bring an invitation that says: “The Owner of all kingdoms, Allāhu dhū l-Jalāl calls His servant ‘Abdu l-Malik to His (جل جلاله) divine invitation”. Asta‘īdhu biLlāh. “Wa-Llāhu yad‘ū ilá dāri s-salām” (10:25) The invitation to Dāri s-salām is general, to Ḥaḍīratu l-Qudus is on Friday, if we try to describe it now we won’t finish until next week. “It reaches there” he says. 

Mawlana Sheikh Nazim QS

Every Friday, Allāh Almighty (جل جلاله) makes a divine invitation. He (جل جلاله) invites His servants.

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